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Modify / Reject Incoming Requests

  • Modify data before making llm api calls on proxy
  • Reject data before making llm api calls / before returning the response

See a complete example with our parallel request rate limiter

Quick Start

  1. In your Custom Handler add a new async_pre_call_hook function

This function is called just before a litellm completion call is made, and allows you to modify the data going into the litellm call See Code

from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger
import litellm

# This file includes the custom callbacks for LiteLLM Proxy
# Once defined, these can be passed in proxy_config.yaml
class MyCustomHandler(CustomLogger): #
# Class variables or attributes
def __init__(self):

#### ASYNC ####

async def async_log_stream_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

async def async_log_pre_api_call(self, model, messages, kwargs):

async def async_log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

async def async_log_failure_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

#### CALL HOOKS - proxy only ####

async def async_pre_call_hook(self, user_api_key_dict: UserAPIKeyAuth, cache: DualCache, data: dict, call_type: Literal["completion", "embeddings"]):
data["model"] = "my-new-model"
return data

proxy_handler_instance = MyCustomHandler()
  1. Add this file to your proxy config
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: gpt-3.5-turbo

callbacks: custom_callbacks.proxy_handler_instance # sets litellm.callbacks = [proxy_handler_instance]
  1. Start the server + test the request
$ litellm /path/to/config.yaml
curl --location '' \
--data ' {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "good morning good sir"
"user": "ishaan-app",
"temperature": 0.2

[BETA] NEW async_moderation_hook

Run a moderation check in parallel to the actual LLM API call.

In your Custom Handler add a new async_moderation_hook function

  • This is currently only supported for /chat/completion calls.
  • This function runs in parallel to the actual LLM API call.
  • If your async_moderation_hook raises an Exception, we will return that to the user.

We might need to update the function schema in the future, to support multiple endpoints (e.g. accept a call_type). Please keep that in mind, while trying this feature

See a complete example with our Llama Guard content moderation hook

from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger
import litellm
from fastapi import HTTPException

# This file includes the custom callbacks for LiteLLM Proxy
# Once defined, these can be passed in proxy_config.yaml
class MyCustomHandler(CustomLogger): #
# Class variables or attributes
def __init__(self):

#### ASYNC ####

async def async_log_stream_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

async def async_log_pre_api_call(self, model, messages, kwargs):

async def async_log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

async def async_log_failure_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):

#### CALL HOOKS - proxy only ####

async def async_pre_call_hook(self, user_api_key_dict: UserAPIKeyAuth, cache: DualCache, data: dict, call_type: Literal["completion", "embeddings"]):
data["model"] = "my-new-model"
return data

async def async_moderation_hook( ### 👈 KEY CHANGE ###
data: dict,
messages = data["messages"]
if messages[0]["content"] == "hello world":
raise HTTPException(
status_code=400, detail={"error": "Violated content safety policy"}

proxy_handler_instance = MyCustomHandler()
  1. Add this file to your proxy config
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: gpt-3.5-turbo

callbacks: custom_callbacks.proxy_handler_instance # sets litellm.callbacks = [proxy_handler_instance]
  1. Start the server + test the request
$ litellm /path/to/config.yaml
curl --location '' \
--data ' {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Hello world"